Membership Criteria:
Membership in Lincoln Hills Players is open to residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills in Lincoln, California. Our members offer many different skills and abilities necessary for theater productions and we welcome new members who would like to learn, develop, and/or showcase their talents.
1 Click on the attached file (below) for the Membership Application Form
2 Mail completed form to:
Mary Whittaker; Membership Co-Ordinator
69 Lincoln Blvd, Suite A-124
Lincoln CA 95648
for further information, please contact Mary directly:
Dues: Annual dues are $5, payable on January 1 of each year.
Meetings: Monthly meetings are on the second Monday of each month at 4:00 PM in Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall in Lincoln Hills. Guests and other residents are always welcome to attend meetings.
Participation in productions: Those who wish to participate in productions must be Club members in good standing.