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Players Governing Docs, approved 02-08-21 page 1

Lincoln Hills Players Governing Documents

Approved by membership, February 8, 2021


  1. Governance. The Lincoln Hills Players Club (hereinafter the “Club”) is governed by a Steering Committee (SC) consisting of six members holding the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, and Immediate Past President. The five voting members of SC are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator. The Immediate Past President, who provides continuity and historical perspective, serves as a non-voting member. (See Attachment A, LH Players Flowchart, for reporting lines

  2. Terms of Service. SC members serve a two-year term from October 1 through September 30 of the following year. They can serve a maximum of two contiguous terms (four years), after which they must take at least a one- year break, unless an exception is granted by SC. Duties of the SC members are specified in Section 3 of these Governing Documents.

  3. Non-completion of Service. In the event that a SC member does not complete a term, the process for filling the vacancy shall be as follows: If the President’s position is vacated, the Vice President will immediately assume the position and duties of President. All other vacated positions will require a special election to be held within the subsequent two months after the position is vacated. If the position is vacated fewer than two months before an election, the President may appoint a member to fill the position temporarily. A SC member may be removed before the completion of a term due to inability to perform duties of the office or violation of Club or Association regulations; such action will be at the discretion of the SC.

  4. Meetings. Membership meetings are scheduled to be held monthly, which members are encouraged to attend, and which will be announced in advance; prospective members and guests are welcome to attend. SC meetings are scheduled monthly, or less frequently at the discretion of the President. Members may attend SC meetings. Any Club member may submit an agenda item to be considered at either SC or membership meetings. (See Section 5 for more membership details.)

  5. Parliamentary Procedure. SC and general membership meetings follow parliamentary procedures of the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

  6. Voting. Voting in SC and general membership meetings requires a majority of votes cast to pass motions. For membership meetings, a quorum is defined as 25% of members. For SC meetings, a quorum is defined as 60% (three out of five) of voting members.


  1. General Information. Election of SC members, who serve two-year terms, will take place every other year. Elections are facilitated by a Nominating Committee and an Election Committee. No current SC members may serve on either committee. The NC must be composed of members not on the EC, and vice versa.

  2. Nominating Committee (NC). Before the July membership meeting, the President appoints a NC chair who then appoints two additional members-at- large, all of whom must be members in good standing. The NC invites from among members nominations for each office to be vacated. Nominees shall have been members in good standing for at least twelve months prior to their nomination. Nominees will be announced at the August meeting, at which time additional nominations will be permitted from the floor; nominations will be closed upon adjournment of that meeting. The NC will then announce to Club members the slate of candidates and the Election Committee will announce procedures for conducting the election.

  3. Nominees’ statements. Nominees will have the opportunity to make a brief statement at the membership meeting in the month prior to the election to inform members of their background, qualifications, and platform. If desired, and endorsed by the Election Committee, nominees may provide a written statement of their platform, not to exceed a number of words stipulated by the Election Committee, to be emailed to the membership at least two weeks before balloting begins.

  4. Election Committee (EC). Before the July membership meeting, the President will appoint an EC chair and the chair shall then appoint two additional members-at-large, all of whom must be members in good standing. The EC will conduct the voting process, which will include detailed specifics of election procedures, rules, and limitations, all of which must be approved by the SC in advance. The EC creates and distributes ballots, tallies ballot results, and reports results to the membership.

  5. Elections. Elections will take place at the scheduled September membership meeting in an election year. If the EC permits email balloting, detailed procedures, approved in advance by the SC, will be announced prior to the September meeting. Eligible voters are defined as members in good standing as of August 31. If the EC determines that email balloting is appropriate, the EC will announce balloting procedures, including opening and closing dates, to the membership in advance. Oversight of email balloting by a trusted non- Club member is required. SC members will be elected by majority vote, provided a quorum is achieved.



A. President

  1. Over see all the various procedures and events in the Club with the assistance of assigned persons within the Club.

  2. Set objectives for the two-year term and assess their achievement.

  3. Schedule and conduct general membership and SC meetings, propose and distribute agenda.

  4. Appoint non-elected, non-voting members in positions of Support Leadership, assign tasks, and supervise. (See Section 4 for details on various support leaders.)

  5. Appoint Players representatives to the PerformingArtsCouncil (PAC). (See Section 6 for further details on PAC.)

  6. Oversee compliance with,and periodic review of, Bylaws and Governing Documents.

  1. Vice President

    1. Assume the President’s duties in his or her absence.
    2. Oversee and/or delegate selected tasks as assigned by the SC or President.

  1. Secretary

    1. Compose minutes of SC and general membership meetings; distribute a draft to the President and Membership Coordinator for changes and corrections; then ascertain that the next draft of the minutes are sent to the membership; call for corrections/additions at the next scheduled meeting; make approved minutes available to the membership.

    2. MaintaintheofficialsetoftheClub’smeetingagendasandminutes,and ensure their storage in permanent back files for at least three years.

  1. Treasurer

    1. The position of Treasurer should be filled by aperson with proven accounting skills, preferably with an accounting background.

    2. TheTreasurer is responsible for initiating the filing of any required IRSor other government tax liability forms.

    3. For further description of the Treasurer’s duties, along with budget and financial procedures, see Section 7 of these Governing Documents.

 Membership Coordinator

  1. This position will be filled by a person who (a) has access to a computer, (b) is able to carry out email communications with members, and (c) is capable of managing a digital data base containing membership contact information.

  2. Maintain a membership roster with current emails, addresses,  phone numbers, birthdates as available, and membership status (when dues paid).

  3. Usingthe Club’s email/internet account, send emails to all members notifying them of upcoming meetings, events, club news, minutes of meetings, etc., as directed by the President.

  4. Oversee the sign-in of members and guests at general meetings; announce achievement of a quorum at the beginning of the meeting.

5. Distribute new member forms to prospective members; accept and file new member forms.

6. Accept and record dues payments from new and continuing members; forward payments to the Treasurer.

Immediate Past-President

1. Provide continuity and history for the newly elected SC.

2. Advise the SC as appropriate in a non-voting position.


The President and other SC members are supported by a number of leaders, chairs of committees, task forces, and ad hoc committees. Leaders A through F below are appointed by the President with SC approval for a two-year term, or the end of the SC term, whichever comes first, not to exceed four years, after which they must take at least a one-year break. Their position descriptions are listed in this section. Other task forces or leadership positions are appointed by the President with term durations as specified by the President. (See Attachment A for a flowchart of reporting lines.)

A. Publicists

There are two types of publicity needed in the club: Club promotion and Show promotion.

The Club Publicist is appointed by the President and confirmed by the SC for a two-year term, and handles media promotion of the Club with monthly articles to the Compass and other outlets.

Show Publicists serve for the term of a designated show, with responsibilities leading up to a show to promote interest and ticket sales, as noted below. These functions can be done by one or more members, as skills dictate.

1. ClubPublicist

  1. A)  Write/submit monthly Club News articles for the Compass using the Compass Guidelines. Compass portal: consult the current Compass editor for submission details.  125 word maximum. Articles are due through portal by the 20th of the month.

  2. B)  Write/submit articles to Community Perks for free shows, published one full month before a show (e.g., Readers Theater)

  3. C)  Write/submit monthly articles for Sun Senior News. Sent by email to the Editor: Articles are due on the 15th of the month.

  4. D)  Write/submit articles for the Lincoln News Messenger as needed.

2. ShowPublicist—Writer

A) The Show Publicist—Writer is appointed by the Show Producer, confirmed by the Director, and reports to the Producer.


Players Governing Docs, approved 02-08-21 page 5

  1. B)  Write/submit Compass Feature Articles (annual, full-page, reserved in advance) as allowed, with approval of the Producer and Director, using Compass Guidelines. Including photos is encouraged.

  2. C)  Write/submit ticket announcements, with approval of the Producer and Director, to the Entertainment Coordinator for publication in the Compass.

  3. D)  Write/submit articles, with approval of the Producer and Director, to the Editor of the Sun Senior News.

  4. E)  Write/submit articles, with approval of the Producer and Director, to the Lincoln News Messenger and any other medium that will promote the show.

  5. F)  Write/submit other articles and announcements as needed to promote the show.

3. ShowPublicist—GraphicArtist

  1. G)  The Show Publicist—Graphic Artist is appointed by and reports to the Show Producer.

  2. H)  The Graphic Artist and Writer collaborate, when appropriate, on show publicity that involves a combination of writing and graphic or photographic images.

  3. I)  In collaboration with the Writer as needed, create banners, street signs, posters, flyers, news articles, eBulletins, announcements, and other publicity as needed. The Director and Producer must approve all publicity that appears in the various media.

  4. J)  Submit to the Lifestyle Manager or designee in jpg format for staff use to create a MVIX screen flyer, to be run at KS and OC for one month before the Show.

  5. K)  Create Posters, flyers, 4.25x5.5” hand bills, banners, signs, programs. The official Players “mask” logo should be displayed, along with “Lincoln Hills Players Presents,” Show Title, Author, Dates, Times, and Location. Designs and final drafts must be approved by the Director and Producer before going to print. 11x17” posters may be posted at KS and OC no more than 30 days prior to the event. Deliver posters to the front desks and ask that they be placed in designated areas. 8.5x11” flyers may be placed in the Plexiglas slots at OC in the hallway to the right of the reservation desk. You must secure permission to place or otherwise distribute flyers at any other onsite locations. SCLHCA must be aware of your distribution plans.

B. Readers Theater Coordinator

  1. TheReadersTheater(RT)Coordinator oversees and delegates leadership of RT productions, including presenting playscripts to the SC that have been approved by the RT Play Reading Committee, directing, producing, auditioning, publicizing, and managing all other aspects of the RT productions.

  2. See Section9 for a full description of all aspects of RT productions.

C. Historian

  1. Collect and maintain all appropriate materials for Players shows and other events; this includes photos, tickets, programs, flyers, and newspaper, Sun Senior News, and Compass articles.

  2. Prepare and maintain scrapbooks/binders containing the above materials.

  3. Conserve framed and unframed large promotional pieces for Players events

  4. Make the above scrapbooks/binders and larger pieces available for viewing

    and enjoyment at Players meetings and events as appropriate, and/or as requested.

D. Webmaster

  1. Maintain the Club website ( the purpose of which is to disseminate Club procedures, events, and news.

  2. On the website, announce upcoming performances, reviews of previous performances, upcoming auditions, provide a gallery of photos, links for current bylaws and governing documents, membership application form, and contact information.

  3. Ascertain that annual website fees are paid when due.

  4. Update, as needed, the Players’s section of theAssociation’s Clubs website,

    based on information provided by the publicity coordinator.

E. Sunshine Coordinator

  1. Send card of congratulations and joy for every birthday, achievement, honor.

  2. Send card of sympathy and caring for every loss.

  3. Ensure that every Player know show much he/she is needed and appreciated.

F. Social Coordinator

  1. Over see the planning ,publicizing ,and arranging of official Club social events, such as parties, dinners, luncheons, etc.

  2. Adhere to a budget that has been approved by the SC.

  3. Appoint a committee to carry out the various details of a social event.

G. Other Support Leadership

As needed, the President and SC may appoint other Club members to serve in other, usually temporary, capacities (e.g., Bylaws revision committee, events not covered by the Social Coordinator, and other task forces).


  1. The term of membership for Club members is one year, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

  2. Annual membership dues amount and due dates are determined by the SC. Members who have not renewed their membership 15 days after the due date will be sent a reminder of the final due date, which is 30 days after the due date.
Non-renewals after that date will be deleted from the Players Club roster and e-mail notification list.

  3. Residents who wish to participate in Club theatrical productions as actors on stage must become Club members before performing in the production. Exceptions to this stipulation must be approved by the SC. (This stipulation does not apply to stage and tech staff, and other participants involved in the show.)

  4. Members deemed to be in violation of Club Bylaws, Governing Documents, or Association Rules and Regulations may be subject to disciplinary action by the SC on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The President and/or other designated Club member(s) will oversee communications with other organizations including, but not limited to: Performing Arts Council (PAC), Clubs and Community Organizations Committee (CCOC), Sun City Lincoln Hills (SCLH) Association staff, and the SCLH Board of Directors (BOD).

  2. The President appoints two Club representatives to PAC, for two-year terms; at least one representative should be a SC member, for familiarity with Club governance. In collaboration with PAC, the President helps to fulfill PAC’s mission of enhancing resident performing arts events in Lincoln Hills. The Players/PAC partnership will be periodically reviewed by the SC.

  3. As a Shared Interest Group in SCLH, the Players are subject to the rules and regulations for Clubs as stipulated by the CCOC and the BOD.


  1. All Club monies shall be deposited in the Lincoln Hills Players checking account at a local bank. The bank may be changed by majority approval of the SC.

  2. All income and expenses of the Players shall be entered into a bookkeeping system to facilitate periodic reviews

  3. The Treasurer shall provide each month a detailed Profit & Loss (P&L) statement to the SC. See Attachment B for a sample P&L statement.

  4. At the end of a term of the treasurer, prior to turning over the books to a new treasurer, the account shall be audited by a member(s) of the SC or the president’s designee.

  5. Access to financial records shall be made available to any active member of the Players within 30 days of request.

  6. The Treasurer processes and deposits annual dues from members, submitted by the Membership Coordinator (see Section 3.E.6) to the Treasurer.

  7. The Treasurer will make required PAC financial payments as stipulated in PAC guidelines

  8. All checks in excess of $400 must have the approval of the Treasurer and one other designated SC member (two signatures required on checks). Checks less than $400 must be approved by the Treasurer

  9. Donations to outside sources/causes, etc. are not permitted due to the many requests that would be received for such funds.

  10. All requests for reimbursement, regardless of amount, shall be presented with a valid original receipt. Any request that is not accompanied by a receipt will require a written explanation and SC approval. All requests for reimbursement must be made within 30 days of the date of incurrence or, in the case of theatrical productions, within two weeks of the final date of the production.

  11. Original receipts shall be categorized to the extent possible. Receipts should show the name of the store/vendor, the date of purchase/contract for service, purchases made and cost of each, with total cost clearly marked. Each receipt shall have the name of the production, the name of the person being reimbursed, the category of budget expense to be charged, the amount of money, and the date of the purchase clearly written near the top of the receipt. If an item has been returned, the return receipt should be attached immediately below or alongside the original receipt and the amount of the refund subtracted from the amount on the original receipt with the reduced amount written at the top of the receipt.

  12. Requestsforchecksofanyamountfortheatricalproductionsthatarewithin the budget set and approved by the SC for a given production need not be approved and are payable upon presentation to the Treasurer by the Producer. If the Treasurer or any other SC member deems an expense to be excessive or outside the limitations of a budget, such member shall notify the President and request SC approval of such expense.

  13. After a theatrical production, the Treasurer will (a) receive and verify all expense receipts from the show Producer; (b) receive, reconcile, and deposit net [ticket] revenue check(s) from SCLHCA (“net” is total revenue less a fixed percentage charged by the Association); and (c) utilize production reports from the Producer to prepare financial P&L statements for submittal to Players and PAC.


A. General information

  1. “MainStage”productions refer to revenue-generating [ticketed]stage shows performed on either OC Ballroom or Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall (KSPH) stages. (For Readers Theater specifications, see Section 9.)

  2. All Players productions shall be subject to approvals, budgets, timelines, and procedures stated in these Guidelines.

  3. The Director of a production shall not be cast in an acting role in the same production. The Producer, at the discretion of the Director, may be cast in an acting role; in such a case, the Producer must be recused from participating in the Auditions panel. Exceptions must be approved by the SC. In the event of circumstances in which a cast member cannot continue to participate in the production, the SC may approve of appointing the Director to stand in for the role.

  4. All cast members in a Players production must first be auditioned.

  5. The SC must approve any exceptions to the requirement (see Section

    5C) of Players membership for all cast members. Such approval shall be based on a person’s special or unique ability that is not available within members of the Club.

  6. Generally, Players members, as volunteers in an SCLHClub, should not expect monetary compensation for their services in a theatrical production. However, the SC may grant an exception and offer modest compensation, on a case by case basis; for example, a member whose business suffers lost income due to his or her contributions to the production.

  7. See AttachmentA for a flow chart showing lines of reporting fort the SC, Directors, Producers, and other staffing roles.

B. Approvals

  1. The SC is responsible for approving plays, directors, and producers for all theatrical productions.

  2. A Play Reading Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President with SC approval. The Chair will then select two or more members, also to be approved by the SC, to comprise the committee; rotation of committee members is recommended. The committee will review potential playscripts and submit their recommendation(s) to the SC.

  3. Generally, play recommendations will come from the PlayReading Committee; however, suggestions for plays and directors may come from any source.

  4. All formal proposed recommendations must include (a) play, (b) director, (c) producer, and (d) budget, all of which must have the approval of the proposed director and producer.

  5. A finalized proposal from the Director and Producer must be submitted to, and approved by, the SC before auditions can be held or monies spent on the production.

C. Budgets

All proposed budgets for theatrical productions shall be submitted to the SC. Each line item on the budget will be reviewed and, if acceptable, approved by the SC. In general, the maximum budget that can be approved will be 75% of the maximum ticket revenue (sellout) from ticket sales. Any increase in the approved budget will require additional justification and the prior approval of the SC. The Association charges a fixed percentage of total ticket revenue to cover their costs; PAC also asks for an additional percentage of total revenue to cover costs that benefit all four PAC clubs.

D. Auditions

The Director oversees the auditions process. Working with the Producer, the Director determines the dates and times for auditions and the Producer submits the required room requests. Once dates, times, and locations are determined, the information is (a) announced at prior membership meetings, (b) posted on the Players website, and (c) distributed via email by the Membership Coordinator to the membership. If after two auditions, the Director finds the roles cannot be filled, a third audition may be held to find suitable talent for the production.


The Director is appointed by the SC, reports to the SC, and has responsibility for the theatrical success of the production. The Director oversees the artistic aspects of the show, the onstage performance of actors/dancers, and costuming. In collaboration with the Producer, the Director facilitates visual and sound effects, set-design, and

other enhancements of the performance. Responsibilities include:

  1. Collaborate with the Producer, who reports to the for SC, for managerial and financial aspects of the show. (See next section for Producer responsibilities.)

  2. After reading the SC-approved script, determine the artistic conception of the show; this includes set design, costuming, and sound & lighting effects.

  3. Designate staff for the show, including the following functions, working with them to achieve desired production vision:

    1. StageManager

    2. SetDesigner/Builder

    3. Set Dresser (Decoration)

    4. PropMaster(Procurement)

    5. CostumerDesigner

    6. Costumer, Dresser, and Make-up Artist

    7. AssistantDirectororScribe

  4. For a musical production appoint a Musical Director and Choreographer, who report to the Director.

  5. Appoint an audition panel. Establish audition time/dates. Participate in cast selection, including singers and dancers if needed. Make final decisions on cast. Notify each cast member personally and send follow-up message for first meeting. Facilitate call-backs if necessary.

  6. If there are audition or rehearsal date conflicts, meet with Producer who will follow up with Association staff.

  7. Conductrehearsals(incl.entrances,exits,blocking,stagemovement,etc.)

  8. IfrehearsalpropsareneededindicatetoStageMgr./PropMasterintimely


  9. Approvecostumes(workingwithCostumer),setdesign,lighting,sound,etc.

10.Advise sound & light techs for effects before, during and after show as well as

11.Notify Producer of any rehearsal or cast changes.
12.Meet with Association staff for technical requirements before the final week

before a production.

F. Producer

The Producer is appointed by the SC in consultation with the Director, and reports to the SC for fiscal matters, and to the Director for recommendations on managerial matters and liaison with SCLH Staff. The Producer is responsible for the operational aspects of a production: The Producer is responsible for obtaining stage management and technical personnel for the production in consultation with the

Director. Additional responsibilities are:

  1. Provide a budget for each production in conjunction with the Director

  2. Oversee the budget with oversight on the spending practices of all involved.

  3. Obtain scripts, licensing agreements and graphics for production. Scripts

    may be obtained from a number of sources and generally have specific requirements that must be met for production. There may also be a royalty fee required. The Producer is responsible for ensuring that all copyright restrictions and royalty fees are met and/or paid.

  4. Liaison with SCLHCA.

  5. Approve all reimbursable expenses and/or vendor invoices within allocated budget

  6. Participate in the audition process, where needed. If, by agreement with Director, Producer auditions for a part, he/she is to be excluded from audition


  7. Coordinate with Show Publicists for cast photos and publication materials

  8. Maintain cast roster, master calendar, rehearsal organization, and organize post-production cast party.

  9. Providea Profit and Loss statement to thetreasurer and SC within 30 days of the closing of a show.

10.Show Programs & Playbills. Programs handed out at performances shall prominently include the Players logo, accompanied with the words “Lincoln Hills Players Presents.” The remaining space on the front page shall include the title of the play, author, dates, times, locations and any original artwork. The back page is reserved for upcoming Players and other PAC productions. If more space is required, use an insert.

11.Room Booking. The Producer shall submit to the appropriate Association staff person, on a Facilities Reservation Request form, all room booking requests for Main Stage productions, including auditions, rehearsals, installing/striking the set, pre-tech, tech, tech/dress and the production itself. The request needs to include any equipment (microphone, speaker, projection apparatus, etc.) required. This request needs to be made as soon as possible after the SC has approved the show. When the set is moved on location and set up, request a full day (8AM-9PM) reservation to allow time to work out construction details.

12.Tech and tech/dress rehearsals. Tech and tech/dress rehearsals are scheduled based on time needs on each of the three days prior to the actual performance. Room requests are on a first come, first served basis; therefore, sooner is better than later. While production dates may have been approved and communicated earlier, do not assume that these dates are firm. It will be necessary to fill out the room request outlining dates, times and any equipment needed. SCLHCA will confirm dates and times back to the Producer with a copy to the President of the Players. Any change thereafter to the dates and times will require approval of the SC, Producer, and SCLH 


G. Costumer

The Costumer reports to the Director to develop costumes for the production. He/she is responsible for (a) adhering to the SC-approved budget, (b) establishing deadlines, and (c), overseeing (by delegating to others, as needed) the condition of costumes during and between performances and storing them post-production. Additional duties may be:

  1. Obtain a copy of script

  2. Coordinate needs ,timelines, and budget allocation with Director and Producer

  3. Design/develop costumes (including measurements and fitting schedules)

  4. Recruit helpers, including dressers as needed

  5. Develop a binder that holds pertinent costuming information about the show, including procedures for costume return.

  6. Establish costume info page, act by act,for each cast member

  7. Develop a timeline of necessary costume completions

  8. Make emergency costume repairs/alterations as needed

  9. Collect costumes after fina lshow

10.Oversee the restoring, cleaning, returning, and storing of costumes

11.Communicate with the property coordinator for storage of returned items

H. Makeup Policy

As a general rule, the Players do not provide makeup for performers due to sanitation issues. Each performer is responsible for providing their own makeup. The director may request specialized make-up to enhance the appearance of selected characters in a performance.

I. Show Publicity
See Section 4.A for further details on duties of the two types of Show Publicist: 
Writer and Graphic Artist.

J. Photography/Videography

It is desirable to have photographs taken at all stages of the production, including auditions, rehearsals, publicity and the production itself, under the supervision of the Producer. The decision to make a video of a production is complex. Utmost concern should be maintained regarding copyright laws. Videos can be made by an individual Players member or contracted with an outside vendor if the show has received permission from the theatrical company owning the rights OR if the play is a locally written play not owned by a theatrical company. The subsequent sale of any video to anyone cannot result in profit to an individual Players member. Additionally, IRS reporting requirements must be met if a contract drawn up with a person videotaping the production is $600 or more in any given year. Any costs for photography/videography paid by the Players Club must be included in the production budget.

K. Production/Cast Party

A party/celebration, subject to limitations in the production budget, may be held after a production to recognize and thank everyone involved in the production for their contributions to the effort. The celebration shall include the production show cast members and staff. Based on the budget available, spouses and significant others of the cast and staff may also be invited. Acquaintances, neighbors, other family members shall not be included as a significant other or spouse.


A. General Information

  1. ReadersTheater(RT)featuresactorspresentingplayscripts,dramatic readings, or stories, referring to their scripts on stage while performing. Unlike the Club’s “Main Stage” productions (see Section 8), the emphasis is mainly on oral expression usually with minimal costuming, props, and sets. There is no memorizing, but thorough familiarity with lines through multiple rehearsals is expected.

  2. Performances are normally presented three times a year in Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. Productions are free to Sun City Lincoln Hills residents and guests.

  3. The overall RT Coordinator is appointed by the President, with approval of the SC, for a term of two years, as stated in Section 1B of these Governing Documents.

  4. Cast must be Club members in good standing. All cast must be auditioned. (Stage and tech staff are exempt from this requirement.)

  5. RT productions are subject to approvals, budgets, and procedures stated in these Governing Documents.

B. Approvals

  1. The RT Play Reading Committee is composed of a maximum of five people, the Chair of which is appointed by the RT Coordinator with the approval of the SC. The Chair, in turn, appoints the other members.

  2. The committee will review potential scripts that appear to be appropriate for RT. These can include single scripts that are about one to 1.25 hours long or multiple shorter scripts that fit this time span. Scripts should be able to depict time, place, and action to the audience through the words of the actors, sometimes without the use of scenery or props, which shall be at the discretion of the Director.

  3. When a play(s) has been selected for one of the three performances, the script(s) and script synopsis(es) are presented to the SC for approval well in advance of proposed auditions and rehearsals. Upon approval, the selection of a particular play(s) is announced at the Players membership meet

  4. The RT Coordinator appoints, with SC approval, a Director and Producer for each segment of a RT production.

C. Budget

  1. A budget of up to $500 allocated for each RT production is intended to cover such costs as: royalties; printing script(s), programs, and flyers; purchasing binders, batteries, and other production needs; and the cost of a production cast and staff party.

  2. The expenditures made do no tneed prior SC approval although purchase receipts are necessary for reimbursement. However, if the planned budget is predicted to exceed $500, a formal budget, delineating all expenditures, must be presented to the SC for prior approval.

D. Scripts

Scripts may be obtained from a number of sources such as: Senior Readers Theater Scripts and Skits; Senior Theater Resource Center; Pioneer Drama Service; Simply Scripts—Old Time Radio from the Golden Age of Radio; and Microphone Plays, among others. Efforts should be made to choose scripts for RT that are in the public domain. Ideally, scripts should be able to be used at no cost, or minimal cost, and to be modified to meet the needs of the production. If a copyright license is needed for a selected play(s), such must be approved by the SC. It is the responsibility of the Producer to secure such license. The fee will be paid by the Players and will be considered part of the production budget

E. Association Liaison

The Producer will serve as the Association liaison and will contact the appropriate Association staff person for any arrangements that need to be made, such as audition room scheduling and set up, technical needs for the performance, pipe and drape, and additional requirements as needed by the Director.

F. Auditions

  1. Auditions should be held six weeks prior to the performance date.Working with the Producer and RT Coordinator, the Director determines the dates and times for auditions and the Producer submits the appropriate required room request to the Association.

  2. Once dates, times, and locations are determined, the information is posted on the Players website and given to the Membership Coordinator for email distribution to the membership prior to the audition. The Director, along with additional people chosen by the Director, compose the audition panel that selects the performers.

  3. No person should be cast in a RT production without an audition. Any exception must be approved by the SC. The Director may have an acting role but cannot be part of the auditions for that particular segment of the show (RT shows are sometimes comprised of two segments, or separate plays, each with its own Director.)

G. Publicity and Programs

  1. “Lincoln Hills Players,”along with the official Players logo (seeAttachment C for the official logo) shall appear on all publicity and the show program. Poster format is 11” x 17” for posting in the Orchard Creek Lodge and 8 1⁄2” x 11” (flyer format) for posting on the table in the Kilaga Springs Lodge main entry. Flyers on 8 1⁄2” x 11” paper can be placed in the rack in the Orchard Creek Lodge and quarter page flyers can be placed with the posted flyer on the table in the Kilaga Springs entry. Posters can be put up and flyers placed in racks on the Kilaga table one month prior to the production date. All posters and flyers placed in racks or on tables must be approved by designated Association personnel. Post card sized fliers may also be used in conjunction with the above publicity items.

  2. The Producer will work with the Club Publicist to submit articles to theSun Senior News, Compass, and Lincoln News Messenger, and with appropriate Association News outlets, and City of Lincoln personnel, as specified below in Section H, to achieve maximum exposure.

  3. The format for the show program usually consists of an 81⁄2”x11”page, printed two-sided in landscape mode and folded in half. The front panel should include the Players logo; the title of the play; the author; dates, times, and location of the production; and possible original artwork. The back page is reserved for upcoming Players and other performing arts (PAC) group productions. The two inside pages should present the cast and production staff with roles played and other show information and artwork, as needed. Three hundred programs should be printed for the two performances—150 for each. The program serves as the “ticket” for entry to a particular performance of the show.

H. Rehearsals

  1. Pre-show rehearsals, the dress/tech rehearsal, and the production itself must all be booked in advance with the Association Room Booking office.

  2. Usually there is one pre-show rehearsal per week, for four weeks, but the frequency is at the Director’s discretion. There will be one tech/dress rehearsal, usually held in Presentation Hall on the day prior to the first performance.

I. Director

The RT Coordinator appoints the RT Director, with the approval of the SC; the Director reports to the RT Coordinator and SC. The Director has full responsibility for the success of the production. This includes agreeing to direct the SC- approved play, scheduling auditions, casting, scheduling rehearsals, finalizing publicity, preparing budgets (working with the Producer), and all other items necessary to make a production successful. Specific responsibilities include the follo

  1. Appoint a Producer, with SC approval.

  2. Work with the Producer to set audition dates, times, and place.

  3. Choose the audition panel (at least 3 members, including Director).

  4. Create character descriptions.

  5. Determine scenes for audition and copy and mark scenes for each role.

  6. Prepare audition sign-inform.

  7. Create worksheets for audition.

  8. Coordinate cast selection process.

  9. After cast selection, notify each member chosen by phone and inform those

    not selected by email.

10.Determine the following aspects of the production that are at the Director’s discretion: costuming, props, set design, blocking, face-to-face interaction, degree of dependence on the script, etc.
11.Work with sound effects/music/lighting appointee(s) to ensure that these 
effects are in place prior to the start of rehearsals.
12.Set up rehearsal schedule/date, time, place, including meet and greet/first 
cast read through.
13.Maintain communication with cast and production staff, including script or 
tech changes, changes in rehearsal schedule place or times, deadlines, etc.

14.Begin rehearsals—line interpretations, entrance and exits to and from mics, characterization, final bows, and other aspects listed in item 10 above.

15.Review and approve all publicity, such as posters, flyers, articles, etc.

J. Producer

The RT Producer is responsible for managerial and budgetary aspects of the production, efficient and timely communications, liaison with the Association, and working with and supporting the Director in areas such as publicity, room- booking, and financial matters, to ensure the success of the show. Specific responsibilities include the following:

  1. Inform the appropriate Association staff member the names of the Producer and Director(s) and provide phone numbers and emails.

  2. Make all room bookings (audition, tech/dress rehearsal, and show)as soon as possible after the SC approves the show, adhering to the approved annual PAC Calendar.

  3. Ensure that the membership coordinator sends out an email announcing the audition dates and times to the Players membership.

  4. Prepare copies of script or portions thereof, asspecified by the Director, for the auditions and ensure that copies, in appropriate binders, are made for all cast members, the Director, Producer, audition panelists, sound effects/music/lighting person, and sound tech.

  5. Make sure that necessary publicity for the auditions and show is prepared and posted through signage (posters and flyers) and email notification. Announce auditions and/or show information at Players meetings and have the Director(s) present particulars and answer questions.

  6. Once the cast has been selected, ask the membership coordinator to send an email to the membership announcing the ca

  7. Prepare the cast and production staff roster with roles, phone numbers, and email addresses.

  8. Work with the Publicity Coordinator to announce audition and performance information in the Players Sun Senior News column (by the 15th of the month) and the Players Compass Club News column (by the 20th of the month).

  9. Coordinate, with Director input, the announcement of show specifics in the Compass/Community Perks (100-word limit plus graphic), the City of Lincoln E-bulletin, the Lincoln News Messenger, the Yahoo Groups website, and the Lincoln Hills Players website.

10. Coordinate the creation and dissemination of flyers to the membership. Encourage cast and production staff to publicize through personal emails and word of mouth to friends, relatives, and neighbors.

11.Coordinate production and printing of the program for the show.
12.Recruit the following people for the production: sound effects/music/lighting 
person, sound tech, and ushers.
13.Arrange for royalty payments, if necessary.
14.Arrange for the distribution of programs, in advance of the show, to cast and 
production staff to provide to friends and family to use as tickets and monitor the number distributed.
15.Arrange the production/cast party—when, where held, who coordinates, 
menu, and food purchase and/or preparation.
16.Work with the Director to prepare the production budgets and then monitor 
budgeted spending.

K. Presentation Hall: Lights, Sound, Tech, and Setup

  1. House lights:

    1. Up and down to signal start

    2. Then off for start of show

    3. Then on as cast and audience exits

    4. Appoint a person to do this, possibly the Producer

  2. Sound:Purchase three dozen batteries. Check with sound person.

  3. Needs for performance: Submit to designated Association staff person via email

    1. Podium with sound on (If needed)

    2. The number of wireless mics in stands, and/or head mics, needed

    3. The number of music stands needed

    4. Two sound monitors

    5. Stage lighting and spot lights on

    6. Sound booth access

    7. Pipe and drape:Two or three sections across the middle of the stage.

      Producer: Tape floor with electrical/masking tape to show where pipe and

      drape should be placed

    8. The number of chairs needed behind pipe and drape

    9. Stage left green room should be open

    10. Table outside front door of Presentation Hall (to the left of the first entry

      door to PH)

    11. Outer café doors need to be open

    12. Anything else necessary for a particular performance

    13. Door Sign: "Enter Next Door" so that entry is only through one door, if this is what is desired.

L. Production/Cast Party

A party/celebration, subject to limitations in the production budget, is normally held after every production to recognize and thank everyone connected with the show for contributing to making the show successful. Cast and production staff are invited to this event. If the budget allows, spouses and significant others may be included. Acquaintances, neighbors, other family members shall not be included as a significant other or spouse.


  1. The Club retains ownership of all costumes, stage sets, and props that have been purchased through Club funds or donated to the Club by individuals. The Club is responsible for the management and storage of all such property, including rental of storage space as needed.

  2. This property may be used in Players productions with the approval of the Director or the Producer of the production.

  3. The Club President will appoint one club member to be the sole represent- ative of the Players storage unit(s). Only the President and storage unit representative will be responsible for controlling keys or lock combinations.

  4. Property Loan Policy.

    1. Requests shall be in writing from the borrower’s Steering Committee, or

      Board representative, to the Players SC.

    2. The request shall be presented to the SC for action at the next regularly

      scheduled SC meeting, or in emergencies, with the approval of a majority

      of SC members board members.

    3. The Players storage representative will coordinate with the requesting Club

      or organization to meet and procure their needs.

    4. Items that are identified as regularly used in Players rehearsals or

      performances will not be available for loan.

    5. Upon returning costumes, the Club or organization borrowing items will

      provide for the cleaning of the borrowed items.

    6. Items that are damaged or broken will be repaired or replaced by the Club

      or organization borrowing such items.


  1. These Governing Documents may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, pending fulfillment of the following provisions (B through E):

  2. All proposed amendments to the Governing Documents must first be presented in writing to the SC by (a) an appointed review committee, or by (b) any member of the Club, or (c) within the SC itself. Proposed amendments must be written in specific proposed wording and must be accompanied by a rationale for the amendment. In order to proceed to the next step, wording of

the amendment must be approved, possibly as edited, by the SC.
C. Upon approval, the President will announce, in written form (by email and/or

in person at a membership meeting), the proposed amendment(s) to the entire membership for their review and comments. Members will be given at least two weeks to comment, either by email to the SC or in person at a membership meeting.

  1. At a subsequent SC meeting, all members’ comments will be reviewed, and in light of that review, amendment(s) will be (a) further revised, if necessary, (b) approved, as edited if necessary, by the SC, and (c) disseminated to the membership for a vote at a subsequent membership meeting.

  2. At that membership meeting, provided a quorum is present, the President will entertain a motion to accept the finalized wording of the amendment(s), which will be enacted by a majority vote of the membership.

  3. The Governing Documents will be reviewed periodically to ensure their currency, efficiency, conformity to Association’s club guidelines, and effective promotion of the mission of the Club.


Attachment A. LH Players Flowchart
Attachment B. Sample Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement Attachment C. Official Players Logo

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