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Murder on the Orient Express  Nov 2021

Tech & Set

Cast and Crew
 Murder on the Orient Express

Julie Africa, Director of Murder on the Orient Express is pleased to announce the cast


Hercule Poirot is played by Ken Reiss
Monsieur Bouc: Paul Carroll
Head Waiter/Michel: Doug Brown
Mary Debenham: Ingela Orlove
Colonel Arbuthnot: Jack Orlove
Helen Hubbard: Melaney Baker
Princess Dragomiroff: Jeri Chase Ferris
Gretta Ohlsson: Jane Patton
Samuel Ratchett:  David Africa
Hector McQueen: Rudy Schneider
Countess Andrenyi: Mary Brown


Producer: Craig Stults
Sound Effects: Ann Stults
Sound Board: Jim Moon
Lighting: Bob Elo
Mic Dresser: Sharon Lefkov
Props: Joan Reiss
Scene Design & Creator: Wendy-Jean Iannico


Ticket sales for two evening & two matinee performances ... 1,200

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